Images Medicine
Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Patients roomSwiss Paraplegic Centre
Medical consultationSwiss Paraplegic Centre
TherapySwiss Paraplegic Centre
TherapySwiss Paraplegic Centre
TherapySwiss Paraplegic Centre
TherapySwiss Paraplegic Centre
MedicineSwiss Paraplegic Centre
OperationSwiss Paraplegic Centre
TetrahandSwiss Paraplegic Centre
ExaminationSwiss Paraplegic Centre
LaboratorySwiss Paraplegic Centre
Print-quality images and logos are available for download. All images made available for download on this site may be used for editorial purposes in any print or online publication. Nevertheless, the “Swiss Paraplegic Foundation” must be listed as the image’s source. You are not required to send us a sample copy, but we would be very happy to receive one.
Contact address for sample copies
Swiss Paraplegic Foundation
Corporate Communications
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 8
6207 Nottwil