Function-based Job Matching for persons with spinal cord injury

A spinal cord injury (SCI) also often changes the employment situation, as many persons with SCI are no longer able to perform their former jobs due to health restrictions. Furthermore, work environments are often not designed to meet the needs of persons with SCI. This leads to a further reduction in the number of suitable jobs.

Therefore a central objective of the vocational integration of persons with SCI is to reconcile the vocational qualifications and interests of persons with SCI with the demands and characteristics of their job in the best possible way. Such a job match increases job satisfaction and is one of the key indicators for a sustainable vocational integration.

Our project is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and carried out in close cooperation with the Institute for Vocational Guidance (ParaWork) at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre. Our aim is to develop a comprehensive documentation tool for job matching in the field of vocational integration of persons with SCI. This tool shall equally consider demands and characteristics of the job and the work-related skills, needs and interests of the affected persons.

In this project, we integrate research approaches used in the field of work and organizational psychology into the context of vocational integration. So far the approaches of both research fields have been developed independently for the most part. We are thus closing a gap in the field of vocational reintegration of persons with disabilities.

Furthermore, we are creating the opportunity to standardize the person-job-matching documentation. This promotes interdisciplinary cooperation in vocational rehabilitation and facilitates planning, implementation and evaluation of interventions for the sustainable reintegration of persons with SCI.

Starting in 2018, the tool shall be validated and used within the context of vocational rehabilitation at ParaWork.

The following publication has been published in the course of the project:

Nützi, M., B. Trezzini, L. Medici, and U. Schwegler. 2017. “Job matching: an interdisciplinary scoping study with implications for vocational rehabilitation counseling.” Rehabilitation Psychology 62(1):45-68.

Job Matching Tool Swiss Paraplegic Research
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