as well as ideas and feedback.
At the Swiss Paraplegic Group (SPG), we welcome know-how, experience and creativity from external sources. Our research and tests are not conducted behind closed doors, but in a spirit of open innovation. We work closely with employees, partners, patients and clients to constantly improve our research, and to ensure our work is always based on the latest advancements in research and development. External feedback helps us reach this goal.

At the SPG, we seek to tap our full potential for innovation, and never rest on our laurels. We are convinced that many innovations arise by staying open to ideas from the outside, and by maintaining a good relationship with interested parties.
In this respect, online communication is vital. First and foremost, we cater to the needs of people with spinal cord injuries. Patients and relatives are often in search of reliable information or a platform where they can exchange their ideas with others.
Feel free to share your ideas and feedback on all things research on this page.
Ideas and feedback
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