Support, correct, remove pressure
As opposed to prostheses that replace an amputated body part, orthoses are used on body parts that have been maintained but that are not growing or functioning correctly. As part of the Swiss Paraplegic Group, Orthotec has amassed a considerable wealth of experience with the production of countless orthoses for people with paraplegia and tetraplegia. These experiences also provide unrestricted benefits to all people who need an orthosis for reasons other than a spinal cord injury.
Misalignment or abnormal development
In the case of paralysis symptoms, orthoses take over the stabilising function of the muscles. Misalignments or abnormal developments require an orthosis that has a corrective effect on the body structures in question. When used in association with protracted injuries, it can take on both stabilising and pressure-reducing functions.
Components and materials
There have been considerable changes in production methods, components and materials over recent years. In addition to the extremely specific use of fibrous composite materials and silicones, the use of mechanical-electronic orthotic knee joints has opened up a wide range of new care options.
For example with the C-Brace upper leg orthosis by Ottobock
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