Chirurgia della mano (FMH)
Chirurgia della mano (FMH)
Trasferimenti nervosi e tendinei
Chirurgia della mano tetraplegica
J. Fridén, J. House, M. Keith, S. Schibli, N. van Zyl, Improving hand function after spinal cord injury, Journal of Hand Surgery (E) 2022;47:105-116
S.Schibli, J.Fridén, Rebalancing the Spastic Wrist by Transposition of an Antagonistic Muscle-Tendon Complex, Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2022;26:127-130
A. Pallaver, S. Schibli, J. Fridén, Surgical intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome in individuals with spinal cord injuries – patient characteristics, diagnostic considerations and treatment outcomes, Spinal Cord Series and Cases 2021;7:9
P. Boucke, T. Cordier, M. Häfeli, S. Schibli, Simplified active motion protocol following Extensor indicis to Extensor pollicis longus tendon transfer using a side-to-side suture, Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2021;53:67-71
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