Individual visits
Discover on your own
Are you planning to visit the Sempachersee area? Are you looking for an exciting outing for the whole family? Experience a change of perspective in the ParaForum exhibition and find out everything you'd like to know about the topic of spinal cord injuries. Small groups can visit during opening hours without registering in advance.
Inspiring videos are used to shed light on various aspects of the topic of hope at ten different stations in and around the Swiss Paraplegic Centre. Go round them all and discover the Nottwil Campus at the same time.
Interactive exhibition
English, French, German, and Italian
Groups of more than 15 people must register in advance.
Opening times
Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Minimum age
Children under eight years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Time required: about one hour.
The power of hope
On the Nottwil campus, you will find Beacons of Hope to provide you with positive inspiration, activate your own resources, and encourage reflection. Each Beacon of Hope sheds light on an individual source of confidence and shows how you can face up to challenging situations with new strength.