heinrich hassan
Dr. med.

Hassan Heinrich

Senior Consultant Radiology




Musculoskeletal imaging

Cardiovascular imaging

Oncological imaging

Beruflicher Werdegang

since 2023
Head Physician Radiology, Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Radiology practice on Kurfürstendamm, Berlin (DE)
Radiology practice on Potsdamer Place, Berlin (DE)
Speciality Registrar in Radiology, Schoen Clinic, New Town in Holstein (DE)
Speciality Registrar in Radiology, Bern Hospital Network
Specialist in Radiology, Heidelberg University Hospital (DE)
Junior Doctor in Radiology: Diagnostikum Berlin (DE)

Aus- und Weiterbildungen

Q2 – Cardiac MRI, German Radiological Society
Specialist in Radiology, Berlin Medical Chamber
Licence to Practise Medicine, State Office for Health and Social Affairs, Berlin (DE)
Doctorate, University Medicine Berlin (DE)
Level III (Trainer) Cardiac MRI, Society for Cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Specialist in Radiology, Cairo University (EG)

Mitgliedschaft in Fachgesellschaften

  • German Radiological Society (DRG)


Abdel-Aty H.Myocardial edema imaging of the area at risk in acute myocardial infarction:Seeing through water. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging.2009;2(7):832-45

ii.Invited reviews

Abdel-Aty H,Simonetti O and Friedrich MG. T2-weighted Cardiovascular MagneticResonance Imaging.J Magn Reson Imaging,2007; 26(3):452-9.Abdel-Aty H.and Tillmanns C.The use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in acutemyocardial infarction.Current Cardiology Reports, 2010 Jan;12:76-81

Abdel-Aty H and Schulz-Menger J. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance T2-weightedimaging of myocardial edema in acute myocardial infarction.Recent Patents of Drug Discovery2007, 2, 63-68iii.Peer-reviewed manuscripts1.

Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M, Meek C. et al.Edema as a Very Early Marker for AcuteMyocardial Ischemia - A Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study.J Am Coll Cardiol2009 7;53(14):1194-201.2.

Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P, Zagrosek A. et al. Diagnostic performance of cardiovascularmagnetic resonance in patients with suspected acute myocarditis: Comparison of differentapproaches.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005; 45:113.

Abdel-Aty H, Zagrosek A, Schulz-Menger J et al. Delayed enhancement and T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging differentiate acute from chronicmyocardial infarction.Circulation. 2004; 109 (20):2411-64.

Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P, Bock P et al. Stenotic mitral valve prosthesis with left atrialthrombus.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson.2005; 7(2):421-4235.

Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M and Friedrich MG. Myocardial edema is a feature of Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy and is related to the severity of systolic dysfunction: Insights fromT2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance.Int J Cardiol. 20076.

Abdel-Aty H, Siegle N, Natusch A et al. Myocardial Tissue Characterization in SystemicLupus Erythematosus: Value of a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic ResonanceApproach.Lupus.2008; 17(6):561-76


Abdel-Aty H,Cocker M, Strohm O et al. Abnormalities in T2-weighted cardiovascularmagnetic resonance images of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Regional distribution andrelation to late gadolinium enhancement and severity of hypertrophy.J Magn ResonImaging,2008 ;28(1):242-58.

Boyé P ,Abdel-Aty H,Zacharzowski et al. Prediction of life-threatening arrhythmicevents in patients with chronic myocardial infarction by contrast-enhanced CMR.JACCCardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Aug;4(8):871-9.(!both first authors have equal contribution)

Schulz-Menger J!,Abdel-Aty H!Rudolf A et al. Gender Specific differences in leftventricular remodeling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Insights from cardiovascularmagnetic resonance. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2008. (both first authors haveequal contribution)

Zagrosek A,Abdel-Aty H, Boyé P et al. Cardiovascular magnetic resonancemonitors reversible and irreversible injury in myocarditis: Insights from a comprehensiveapproach.JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2009;2(2):131-8(both first authors have equalcontribution)

Schulz-Menger J,Abdel-Aty H, Busjahn A et al. Left Ventricular Outflow TractPlanimetry by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Differentiates Obstructive from Non-obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyophathy.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson2006;8(5):741-6(both first authors have equal contribution)

Elgeti T,Abdel-Aty H, Wagner M et al.Assessment of late gadolinium enhancementin nonischemic cardiomyopathy: Comparison of a fast phase-sensitive inversionrecovery sequence (PSIR) and a conventional segmented 2D gradient echo recall (GRE)sequence- preliminary findings. Investigative Radiology 2007 ;42(10):671-5(both first authors have equal contribution)7

13.Friedrich MG,Abdel-Aty H, Taylor AJ et al. The salvaged area at risk in reperfused acute myocardial infarction as visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.J AmColl Cardiol. 2008 ;51(16):1581-714.

Abdel-Aty H, Schulz-Menger J et al. Acute oedema in the evaluation of microvascular reperfusion and myocardial salvage in reperfused myocardial infarctionwith cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Eur J Radiol.2010;74(3)15.

von Knobelsdorff F,Abdel-Aty H,Schulz-Menger J. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy AfterNasal Application of Epinephrine - A Magnetic Resonance Study".Int J Cardiol. In press16.

Cocker M., Abdel-Aty H,, Strohm O et al. Age and Gender Effects on the Extent ofMyocardial Involvement in Acute Myocarditis - A Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance(CMR) Study.Heart2009 95(23):1925-3017.

Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H, Bohl S, Schulz-Menger J.Prognostic impact of T2-weightedCMR imaging for cardiac amyloidosis.Eur Radiol. 2011 Aug;21(8):1643-5018.

Rudolph A,Abdel-Aty H,Bohl S et al. Non-invasive detection of fibrosis applyingcontrast enhanced magnetic resonance in different forms of left ventricular hypertrophy:Relation to remodeling.J Am Coll Cardiol 2009 20;53(3):284-9119.

Schulz-Menger J and Abdel-Aty H.Use of integrated biomarkers in inflammatorydisease of the heart: new insights applying cardiovascular magnetic resonance potentialas a biomarker.Expert opinion in medical diagnostics 2008 Aug;2(8):883-9.

Kumar A,Abdel-Aty H, Kriedemann I et al. Contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magneticresonance imaging of right ventricular infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 200621;48(10):1969-76.21.

Cocker M,Abdel-Aty H,Alakija P et al.Images in cardiology. Cardiac magneticresonance imaging in Löffler's endocarditis. Can. J Cardiol.24(11):e89-90. 200822.

Schulz-Menger J,Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Assessment of myocardialinflammation and scarring in sarcoidosis with cardiovascular magnetic resonance.Heart2006 Mar;92(3):399-4008

Bohl S, Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Delayed enhancement cardiac magneticresonance imaging reveals typical patterns of myocardial injury in patients with various non-ischemic heart disease. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 2008 Aug;24(6):597-607

Zagrosek A, Wassmuth R,Abdel-Aty H et al. Relation between myocardial edema andmyocardial mass during the acute and convalescent phase of myocarditis- A CMR study.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson,2008; 30;10:19.25.

Slagman A, Bock C,Abdel-Aty H et al.Specific Removal of C-reactive Protein byApheresis in a Porcine Cardiac Infarction ModelBlood Purification2011;31(1-3):9-1726.

Messroghli DR, Rudloph A,Abdel-Aty H et al.An open-source software tool for thegeneration of relaxation maps in magnetic resonance imaging BMC Med Imaging 2010 ,10:1627.

Zagrosek A, Noeske R,Abdel-Aty H et al. MR Coronary Angiography Using 3D-SSFPWith and Without Contrast Application.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson2005;7,809-528.

Taylor AJ, Al-Saadi N,Abdel-Aty H et al. Detection of acutely impaired microvascularreperfusion after infarct angioplasty with magnetic resonance imaging.Circulation. 2004;109(17):2080-529.

Taylor AJ, Al-Saadi N,Abdel-Aty H et al. Elective percutaneous coronary interventionimmediately impairs resting microvascular perfusion assessed by cardiac magneticresonance imaging. Am Heart J. 2006 Apr;151(4):891.e1-730.

Schulz-Menger J , Maisch B,Abdel-Aty H et al. , Integrated biomarkers incardiomyopathies: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging combined with molecularand immunogenic markers- A stepwise approach for diagnosis and treatmentHerz2007,32:458-7231.

Arnold C, Abdel-Aty H and Tillmanns C. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging ofmyocardial fibrosis in dermatomyosytis.J Rheumatol. 2010;37(5):1056.32.

von Knobelsdorff F, Rudolph A, Wasmuth R, Abdel-Aty H et al. Aortic dilatation inpatients with prosthetic aortic valve: comparison of MRI and echocardiography. J HeartValve Dis2010;19(3):349-56.33.

Cocker MS, Shea SM, Strohm O, Green J, Abdel-Aty H, Friedrich MG. A new approachtowards improved visualization of myocardial edema using T2-weighted imaging: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) study. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2011Aug;34(2):286-92.34.

Bohl S, Kassner U, Eckardt R, Utz W, Mueller-Nordhorn J, Busjahn A, Thomas, H-P,Abdel-AtyH et al. A Single Lipoprotein Apheresis Improves Cardiac MicrovascularFunction in Patients with Elevated Lipoprotein(a): Dtection by stress/rest perfusionmagnetic resonance imaging. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. 2009;13(2):129-3735

Friedrich MG, Sechtem U, Schulz-Menger J, Prasad S, Alakija P, White J,Abdel-Aty H et al. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Myocarditis: A JACC White Paper.J AmColl Cardiol2009; 28;53(17):1475-8736.

Busjahn A, Schulz-Menger,Abdel-Aty H et al. Heretability of left ventricular andpapillary muscle heart size – A twin study with cardiac magnetic resonance imagingEurHeart J.2009;30(13):1643-737.

Pasieka JL, Schnell G, Abdel-Aty H et al. Metastatic midgut carcinoid to the heartdemonstrated on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Am J Clin Oncol. 2009Jun;32(3):328-938.

von Knobelsdorff F, Rudolph A, Wassmut R, Bohl S,Abdel-Aty H et al.Feasibility ofCardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Assess the Orifice Area of Aortic Bioprostheses.Circulation Cardiovascular Imaging2009 Sep;2(5):397-40439.

Shahin AA, el-Mofty SA, el-Sheikh EA,Hafez HA, Ragab OM.Power Dopplersonography in the evaluation and follow-up of knee involvement in patients with juvenileidiopathic arthritis.Z Rheumatol. 2001;60(3):148-5540.

Aly YA and Abdel-Aty H. Normal oesophageal transit time on digital radiography.ClinRadiol. 1999;54(8):545-9BuchkapitelAbdel-Aty H,


Abdel-Aty H, Friedrich MG. Magnetic Resonance of Cardiomyopathies and Myocarditis.In: Kwong R, ed. Contemporary Cardiology: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Humana Press Inc., 1sted. Totowa NJ. 2007

Abdel-Aty H,Wassmuth R and Schulz-Menger J. Cardiac Masses and Tumors. In, MyersonS , Francis J , and Neubauer S ed. Handbook of CMR. Oxford University 2011

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