IVM and Emergency Medicine

Our Divisions


  • Rita Sigg Dermatologie

    Dr. med. Rita Sigg

    Consulting Physician / FMH* Dermatology (*Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum, professional association)


  • Adrian Schmassmann

    Prof. Dr. med. Adrian Schmassmann

    Consulting Physician / Head of Gastroenterology Practice

Abdominal surgery

  • Joe Stürmlin Notfallmedizin Konsiliararzt

    Dr. med. Joe Stürmlin

    Consulting Physician / Senior Consultant - Acting Chief Physician, Surgery, LUKS Sursee
  • Sandra WWidjaja Kaufmann Notfallmedizin Konsiliarärztin

    Dr. med. Sandra Widjaja Kaufmann

    Consulting Physician / Consultant mbF** LUKS Sursee (**with special functions)

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

  • Kathrin Degenhardt Notfallmedizin Konsiliarärztin

    Dr. med. Kathrin Degenhardt

    Consulting Physician / Consultant, ENT, LUKS Lucerne


  • János Weber Notfallmedizin Konsiliararzt

    Dr. med. János Weber

    Consulting Physician / Specialist for Opthamology, Eidg. Dipl. (Advanced Federal Diploma)


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