Holistic, lifelong treatment for spinal cord injuries
We are a national and international leading institution in holistic, lifelong treatment for persons with congenital, acquired, disease or accident-related spinal cord injuries. We strive to consistently earn this confidence in our institution with high quality and performance standards.
Care and treatment for persons with spinal cord injuries are complex, requiring a great number of diverse divisions with training and experience in the specific issues that come with spinal cord injuries. Comprehensive spinal cord medical treatment for persons with paraplegia begins the first day after the accident: often, the initial complications resulting from the spinal cord injury must be treated as soon as possible after the accident, and from day one an interprofessional team of specialists in spinal cord injuries are called in.
Treatment for spinal cord injuries must always take account of the biological, medical, psychological and social factors. The goal is to achieve and maintain the greatest possible level of independence in daily living for persons with spinal cord injuries.
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