Comprehensive rehabilitation
We are among the leading institutions for holistic and lifelong care for people with spinal cord injury, whether from birth, acquired later, or developed due to illness or accident. We want to do justice to this confidence in our institution by committing to a high level of quality and service.
Caring for and treating an individual with a spinal cord injury is complex and requires an increasing number of specialist departments that are trained and experienced in the specific issues that occur following spinal cord injury. The specialist disciplines that must necessarily come together for holistic care therefore do not only fulfil a supporting function but also ensure a considerable competitive advantage for our core business of “paraplegiology”, to the benefit of our patients.
Individual treatment for the greatest possible autonomy
The comprehensive rehabilitation of a person with spinal cord injury begins on the first day after the accident. Often, initial paraplegia-specific complications need to be treated early following the relevant accident, requiring an interdisciplinary team of specialists with paraplegia experience, including nursing personnel, from day 1.
As treatment progresses, it is our objective to restore the affected individual’s personality and life structure to them as well as possible. This includes physical and psychological assistance, as well as reintegration into society (work, family, etc.).
Treatment and rehabilitation of spinal cord injury must take into account biological, mental and social components. At the Swiss Paraplegic Centre Nottwil (SPC), we work in accordance with the internationally proven biopsychosocial model of illness developed by the World Health Organization (WHO): the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health).
What we offer
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