
Speech Therapy

Speech therapy comprises the following areas: swallowing, speech, voice and language. Speech therapy is also involved in the treatment of facial paralysis and tracheal cannula management. Thanks to the large multiprofessional team with its many years of practical experience, we are also able to offer diagnosis and therapy in the case of complex dysphagia, associated in particular with tracheal cannulas.

Areas of therapy

Our specialists

  • Sarah Stierli

    Sarah Stierli

    Head of Speech Therapy, certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy, Registered MBSImP Clinician
  •  Barbara Ischer Logopädie

    Barbara Ischer

    Deputy Head of Speech Therapy, certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Hans Schwegler Logopädie

    Hans Schwegler

    Expert in Speech Therapy
  • Irene Buss Logopädie

    Irene Buss

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Tabea Holzgang Logopädie

    Tabea Holzgang

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Marion Leu Logopädie

    Marion Leu

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Laura Mühlebach Logopädie

    Laura Mühlebach

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Denise Steinhauser Logopädie

    Denise Steinhauser

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Simona Wanner Logopädie

    Simona Wanner

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Tamina Zeier Logopädie

    Tamina Zeier

    Certified Speech Therapy EDK, Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Language Therapy


Internship positions

The SPC offers internships for students. Speech therapy at the SPC covers all adult disorders. The focus is on dysphagia and patients with tracheostomy tubes. Patients are cared for in the intensive care unit, in rehabilitation settings and on an outpatient basis. Internship applications are accepted by e-mail (logopaedie.spz@paraplegie.ch).

Courses and further training

We offer courses and workshops for speech therapists, nursing specialists and doctors who are interested in the areas of dysphasia and tracheal cannula management. The scope and contents can be coordinated to individual needs. The link to the course offerings is shown below at the Dysphagie.ch website:

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