Hand Surgery (FMH)
Hand Surgery (FMH)
Tendon and nerve transfer
Tetra hand surgery
J. Fridén, J. House, M. Keith, S. Schibli, N. van Zyl, Improving hand function after spinal cord injury, Journal of Hand Surgery (E) 2022;47:105-116
S.Schibli, J.Fridén, Rebalancing the Spastic Wrist by Transposition of an Antagonistic Muscle-Tendon Complex, Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2022;26:127-130
A. Pallaver, S. Schibli, J. Fridén, Surgical intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome in individuals with spinal cord injuries – patient characteristics, diagnostic considerations and treatment outcomes, Spinal Cord Series and Cases 2021;7:9
P. Boucke, T. Cordier, M. Häfeli, S. Schibli, Simplified active motion protocol following Extensor indicis to Extensor pollicis longus tendon transfer using a side-to-side suture, Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2021;53:67-71
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